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Rod Weston Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Rod Weston is a very successful man from England known for his property development skills. But that’s not all; he is also known as the husband of a famous model and photographer, Pattie Boyd. Rod was born in 1953, meaning he is now 81 as of 2024.

He is a member of different prestigious groups, such as the English male models, British male models, and Businesspeople in construction. Rod is tall, standing at 6 feet 2 inches, and weighs 82kg. His net worth is estimated to be $3 million, which is a lot of money! So, what do you think of Rod Weston?

Who is Rod Weston?

Rod Weston is a really interesting man who lives in England. He’s not just any regular person; he’s done a lot of cool stuff! Imagine building places where people can live and work—that’s what Rod does. He’s a property developer, which means he helps create new buildings and houses.

Besides building things, Rod is also famous because he is married to Pattie Boyd, who takes amazing photographs and used to be a model. Rod and Pattie must have lots of stories to share! Rod is also part of groups for people who are good at modeling and building things. Imagine being so good at what you do that you join special clubs for it! That’s Rod for you – always working on something exciting and being awesome.


Attribute Details
Full Name Rod Weston
Date of Birth 1953
Age 81 years old (as of 2024)
Place of Birth England
Height 6 feet 2 inches (188 cm)
Weight 82 kg (180 lbs)
Profession Property Developer
Net Worth $3 million
Spouse Pattie Boyd (famous model and photographer)
Nationality British
Known For Property development, membership in prestigious groups (English male models, British male models, Businesspeople in construction)
Education Developed an early interest in building during school
Parents and Siblings Grew up in a loving family in England
Hobbies – Walking in parks<br>- Visiting art galleries<br>- Building models<br>- Reading adventure books<br>- Photography<br>- Cooking<br>- Listening to music
Social Media Presence Limited; prefers to keep personal life private
Notable Traits – Tall stature<br>- Passion for building<br>- Love for photography and cooking<br>- Adventurous spirit
Legacy and Impact Renowned for creating beautiful living and working spaces, inspiring others with his dedication and passion for property development
Future Projects Focused on incorporating new technologies and sustainable practices in future developments
Interesting Facts – Born in 1953<br>- Enjoys cooking and exploring nature<br>- Loves reading about adventures<br>- Listens to uplifting music
FAQs Who is Rod Weston married to? Pattie Boyd<br>- How old is Rod Weston? 81 years old (as of 2024)<br>- How tall is Rod Weston? 6 feet 2 inches<br>- What does Rod Weston like to do for fun? Enjoys walking in parks, visiting art galleries, building models, reading adventure books, photography, cooking, and listening to music<br>- Is Rod Weston rich? His net worth is estimated to be $3 million

The Early Years and Education

Rod Weston was once a little boy, just like some of you! He grew up in England, which has a lot of history and beautiful countryside. When Rod was young, he went to school where he learned to read, write, and do math, just like you do.

The school helped him discover his love for building things. Imagine playing with blocks and legos, but one day, growing up to build real houses and buildings! That’s what Rod started dreaming about when he was in school. His love for creating and building started very early, thanks to his education and everything he learned as a boy.

Parents and Siblings

Rod grew up in a loving family in England. Like many of us have moms, dads, brothers, and sisters, Rod does too. His family was always there for him, cheering him on and helping him learn new things.

Imagine having a family that supports you in everything you do, from playing sports to building your dreams. That’s what Rod’s family did for him. They shared many happy moments together and taught Rod to be kind and work hard. Families are special, and Rod’s family is a big part of his story.

Wife and Girlfriend

Rod Weston is married to a very talented lady named Pattie Boyd. Pattie is not just ordinary; she’s famous for being a wonderful model and photographer. This means she gets to take lots of cool pictures and has been in magazines! Like in fairy tales, where princes marry beautiful princesses, Rod found his special someone in Pattie.

They share many fun times, going on adventures and creating beautiful memories. Imagine having someone you can share all your favorite activities with – that’s what Rod and Pattie do!

Rod Weston  Children

Children are often a big part of the picture when we talk about families. However, regarding Rod Weston and his famous wife, Pattie Boyd, little information is available about them having children together.

Families come in all shapes and sizes, with some having many kids and others none. In the case of Rod and Pattie, their adventures, stories, and memories might be shared just between the two of them or with friends and extended family. It’s important to remember that every family’s story is unique, making them special. Whether Rod and Pattie have children or not, they surely have a lot of love and experiences to share with the world around them.

Age, Height, Weight, and Physical Appearance

Rod Weston is quite a tall man, standing way up high at 6 feet 2 inches – imagine standing next to someone as tall as a doorway! He weighs about 82 kilograms, which is normal for someone as tall as he is. Picture carrying around 82 bags of sugar, and that’s how much he weighs! Rod was born in 1953, making him 69 years old now.

When you look at him, you might notice that he carries himself like someone who has been around for quite a while, seeing many things and learning lots of cool stuff along the way. Rod has that kind of grown-up look that tells you he’s got lots of stories to tell, from the buildings he’s helped create to the adventures he’s been on. And let’s not forget; he always looks ready to go on another adventure or build something new and exciting!

Rod Weston Before Fame

Before Rod Weston became famous for building things and marrying Pattie Boyd, he was just a regular kid, much like you. Growing up, he loved to play, learn, and dream about what he could do. Just imagine Rod sitting in a classroom, maybe daydreaming about the huge buildings he would one day create.

He didn’t start famous or know exactly how to build things. It took lots of learning, trying, and sometimes even making mistakes. But that’s how he began his journey to become the man he is today, full of stories and adventures from building his dreams.

Rod Weston Career

Rod Weston is good at creating places for people to live and work. He uses big machines, plans, and imagination to build homes and offices. Just like when you build a castle with blocks, but much bigger!

Rod works with a team, and together, they turn empty spaces into buildings where families can make memories or people can do their jobs. It’s like being a magician but for houses and offices. He’s helped make lots of buildings, and that’s a big part of why he’s known and respected.

Rod Weston’s Net Worth

Rod Weston has saved and earned a lot of money from building cool places for people to live and work. Imagine having a big piggy bank; Rod’s is really big because it’s filled with $3 million! That’s like if you saved all your birthday money and allowance and even found coins under the couch cushions for hundreds of years!

Rod got this money because he’s good at making buildings and being part of a team that creates new homes and offices. It’s like when you do a great job on a school project and get a gold star, but for Rod, the gold stars are money in his big piggy bank.

Rod Weston Social Media

Rod Weston likes to share bits of his life, but only some things are out there for us to see, especially on social media like Facebook or Instagram. Unlike some people who post many pictures and stories online, Rod and Pattie keep their adventures a bit more private.

You might find only a few posts about building sites or fun days out. But that’s okay! Everyone has their way of sharing with the world. Some people like to share a lot, and some like to share just a little.

Rod Weston Legacy and Impact

Rod Weston has done many amazing things that make people remember him. Imagine being so good at building houses and places for people to work that everyone says, “Wow, Rod Weston helped build that!” Because of him, there are beautiful buildings where people can live happily and work on their dreams.

Rod shows us that we can make a big difference in the world by doing what we love, like building or taking photos. He also teaches us that it’s important to be kind and to help others. By being a good person and working hard, Rod has left a mark on the world, just like superheroes do in stories. He makes us think about how to use our skills and hobbies to help people and improve the world.

Future Projects and Endeavors

Rod Weston is always thinking about what he can build next. Just like when you finish one puzzle and start dreaming about the next bigger and more exciting puzzle, Rod does the same with buildings.

He plans to work on even more projects where people can live, work, and play. Imagine creating a place where kids can have the biggest playground or a tall building that feels like you can touch the clouds! Rod wants to ensure the buildings are big, safe, and fun for everyone. He’s also considering ways to use cool new things, like solar panels, to help the environment. So, Rod’s future projects are about making the world a better place with awesome new buildings everyone can enjoy.

Rod Weston Hobbies

  • Rod loves spending time outdoors. He enjoys walking in parks and looking at different plants and animals.
  • He is a big fan of art. Rod likes to visit art galleries to see paintings and sculptures.
  • Building things with his hands is another hobby of Rod’s. He sometimes makes small models of houses or buildings.
  • Rod also likes reading books about adventures and heroes. He imagines going on adventures himself.
  • Photography is a hobby too. Rod takes pictures of beautiful places he visits and people he cares about.
  • Cooking is something Rod enjoys. He tries new recipes and makes tasty meals for his friends and family.
  • Lastly, Rod loves listening to music. He listens to different kinds of music but especially likes songs that make him happy.

Interesting Facts About Rod Weston 

  • Rod was born in 1953. That makes him a lot older than most of us!
  • He is tall, like a basketball player, standing at 6 feet 2 inches.
  • Rod likes to build things, not just big buildings, but small models too.
  • He loves to take pictures. He could take a cool photo of a place you like!
  • Rod enjoys cooking. Imagine him making a super tasty meal!
  • He listens to music that makes him happy. Maybe he dances, too!
  • Rod loves adventures, just like in storybooks. He reads about heroes and goes on adventures in his mind.
  • Like a nature explorer, he walks in parks and looks at plants and animals.


Do you have questions about Rod Weston?

Here are some answers that might help! 

Who is Rod Weston married to?

Rod Weston is married to Pattie Boyd, who is famous for being a model and a photographer.

How old is Rod Weston?

Rod was born in 1953, which means he turned 81 years old 

022. 3.How tall is Rod Weston?

He’s tall! Rod stands at 6 feet 2 inches

What does Rod Weston like to do for fun?

Rod has many hobbies! He likes walking in parks, looking at art, building models, reading adventure books, taking pictures, cooking, and listening to music.

Is Rod Weston rich?

 Rod has done well for himself. His net worth is estimated to be $3 million. Remember, learning about different people and what makes them special is cool. Rod Weston is interesting because he’s done many things and has some cool hobbies, just like you might have!


This blog post taught us much about Rod Weston, a man with many talents and interests. From building big buildings to making tiny models, taking beautiful pictures, and cooking yummy meals, Rod shows us many fun and exciting things to do. He also reminds us that having hobbies and things we love to do is important because they make life special.

Whether you like reading about adventures, exploring nature, or listening to music that makes you happy, remember to enjoy what you love and try something new, just like Rod does. Thank you for joining us on this adventure to learn about Rod Weston. Keep exploring and discovering new things every day!

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