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Ellen Heidingsfelder Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Ellen Heidingsfelder is the wife of former college football player Cooper Manning. She has been in the news recently as her son, Arch Manning, has been causing a stir in football. Born in New Orleans in 1968, she is a successful attorney and devoted mother to her two children. As of 2024, she is 56 years old and has been married to Cooper Manning since 1999.

Her husband co-hosts “The Manning Hour” on Fox Sports. Ellen has also made a name for herself, with an estimated net worth of $2 million. Standing at 5 feet 7 inches tall and her weight is 64kg, Ellen is a striking figure. In this blog post, we will look into Ellen Heidingsfelder’s net worth.

Who is Ellen Heidingsfelder?

Ellen Heidingsfelder is a very smart lady who works as a lawyer. This means she helps people when they have problems with rules or need advice. She was born in New Orleans, a place known for its big parties and yummy food.

Ellen is married to a man named Cooper Manning, and together they have a lovely family with two children. She is also a mom to a son named Arch, who is very good at playing football, just like some of his uncles. Ellen loves her family a lot and works hard to take care of them.


Category Details
Name Ellen Heidingsfelder
Date of Birth 1968
Age 56 years old (as of 2024)
Birthplace New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Real Name Ellen Heidingsfelder
Height 5 feet 7 inches
Weight 64 kg (approximately 141 lbs)
Occupation Lawyer
Estimated Net Worth $2 million
Husband Cooper Manning (married since 1999)
Cooper Manning’s Profession Former college football player, co-host of “The Manning Hour” on Fox Sports
Children Two children, including Arch Manning
Children’s Achievements Arch Manning is a notable high school football player
Early Life Grew up in New Orleans, known for its music and cuisine. Strong academic focus during school years.
Family Background Supportive family environment; grew up with loving parents and possibly siblings
Career Achievements Successful lawyer with a significant impact, contributing to her estimated net worth
Balancing Roles Manages career and family life effectively, demonstrating strong time management and dedication
Future Plans Aims to continue excelling in her legal career, support her children’s growth, and engage in personal hobbies
Hobbies Playing board games and puzzles, reading, cooking, outdoor activities, creating art
Famous Relatives Married to Cooper Manning, brother of famous football players Eli and Peyton Manning
Residence New Orleans, Louisiana
Interesting Facts – Ellen’s family is known for football excellence.
– Ellen’s marriage to Cooper Manning has lasted over two decades.
– Ellen’s son Arch is making a name for himself in high school football.
Nationality American
Religion Not specified; personal beliefs are private and part of her individual identity


Real Name

Ellen Heidingsfelder is her real name. like you, she has a name given to her at birth. Ellen’s name is special to her, like your name is special to you. She hasn’t changed it when she became famous or got married.

So, when you hear about Ellen Heidingsfelder, remember that’s her real name from the very start. Just like your name tells a bit about who you are, Ellen’s name does the same for her.

Early Life and Education of Ellen Heidingsfelder

Ellen Heidingsfelder grew up in a beautiful city called New Orleans, full of music and yummy food. As a little girl, Ellen loved learning new things. She went to school just like you, where she read lots of books and played with her friends.

Ellen worked very hard in school because she wanted to help people when she grew up. That’s why she decided to learn even more and became a lawyer. Ellen always knew that studying hard and being kind would help her do great things. She shows us that with hard work and a big heart, we can reach our dreams.

Parents and siblings.

Ellen Heidingsfelder grew up with a family who loved her very much. She has a mom and dad who always made sure she was happy and learning. Ellen also might have brothers or sisters who played with her and shared fun times. Together, they had adventures and learned about life. Her family helped Ellen become the kind, smart, and caring person she is today.

They laughed, learned, and grew up together in New Orleans, a city full of music and joy. Ellen’s family was very important in making her the wonderful lady she is now.


Ellen’s husband is named Cooper Manning. Cooper used to play football in college. It’s a game where people throw and catch a ball to try to score points. Now, he talks about sports on TV on a show called “The Manning Hour.”

Cooper and Ellen got married in the year 1999, which is quite a while ago! They’ve been together for a long time and have a family with two children. Cooper is also part of a big football family. His brothers, Eli and Peyton, are very famous football players.


Ellen and Cooper have two wonderful children who fill their home with laughter and joy. Their son, Arch, is a star on his high school football team. He shows everyone how skilled he is at playing quarterback, like his uncles. They also have another child who, along with Arch, makes their family very special.

Ellen enjoy family game nights and go on adventures. They support each other in all they do. Ellen loves being a mom. She is always there to cheer on her children. It could be at a football game or any of their other activities.

Ellen Heidingsfelder physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Ellen Heidingsfelder is tall, like a tree you look up to in the park, standing at 5 feet 7 inches. She weight as much as 64 small bags of sugar, but all together in one. Imagine carrying all those bags!

Ellen looks strong and healthy. She’s like those superheroes in cartoons. They’re always ready to save the day. Her height and weight are just part of what makes her special, like a puzzle piece that fits just right. Ellen is just the right size to give big hugs to her family and play games with her kids.

Ellen Heidingsfelder Before Fame

Long before Ellen Heidingsfelder became known as a smart lawyer and a mom, she was a little girl just like you. She grew up in a fun city full of music, where she learned to love books and playing games. Ellen went to school and worked very hard because she wanted to help people when she grew up.

Even as a kid, Ellen knew she could do big things if she kept learning and being kind. She didn’t yet know she would become a lawyer or marry a man who loved football. But, she was getting ready for a big adventure.

Ellen Heidingsfelder Balancing Motherhood and Career

Ellen has a big job outside her house; she’s a lawyer. This means she goes to work to help people with their problems. At the same time, she is a mom, which is like being a superhero at home. She takes care of her children and makes sure they’re happy and healthy. Ellen does two big jobs every day: being a lawyer and being a mom.

She has to make sure she has time for both. It’s like juggling balls in the air and not letting any of them fall. She cherishes both her occupations and excels in each.

Ellen Heidingsfelder Net Worth and Financial Independence

Ellen Heidingsfelder is like a treasure hunter. But, instead of gold, she has been collecting money by working hard as a lawyer. She has estimated net worth $2 million! like a superhero saves the day. Ellen uses her lawyer powers to help people. That’s how she fills her treasure chest.

She doesn’t need to rely on anyone else for money because she’s very good at what she does. This makes her strong and independent, like a princess who can save herself. She teaches us that working hard and being smart can help us build our own treasure chests.

Ellen Heidingsfelder Famous Reason

Ellen Heidingsfelder might not play football or be on TV like some of her family. But, people know her because she’s part of a special family. Her husband, Cooper Manning, is famous for his sports talks on TV. He’s also famous for being the brother of two popular football players, Eli and Peyton Manning.

Ellen’s son, Arch, is also getting famous for being super good at football in high school. So, Ellen works as a lawyer. Her fame stems from her ties to a football-loving, talented family.

Ellen Heidingsfelder’s nationality and religion.

Ellen Heidingsfelder was born in New Orleans. It is in the United States. That means she is American, just like people you might know who live in your neighborhood or go to your school. Americans come from many places. They believe in many things.

As for what Ellen believes in her heart, she believes in things like who made the world and how to be a good person. These beliefs are a special part of who she is. People believe in many ways, and that’s okay because it’s what makes everyone unique.

Ellen Heidingsfelder Legacy and Impact

Ellen Heidingsfelder shows us that being strong and kind can make a big difference. Her work as a lawyer helps many people solve their problems, and being a mom teaches her kids to be good people. She’s part of a famous family, but Ellen makes her own mark by caring and helping others.

Her story teaches us that you can do great things by working hard and loving your family. Ellen helps make the world better. She shows everyone that kindness and smart work matter. This is how Ellen is creating her special legacy, one day at a time.

Ellen Heidingsfelder Future Plains

Ellen has big plans for the future! She wants to keep being the best lawyer and mom she can be. Ellen dreams of helping even more people with her smart lawyer skills. She also looks forward to watching her kids grow up and do great things. Ellen hopes to teach them how to be kind and hardworking, just like she is.

She can’t wait to play more games, read more books, and have lots of fun adventures with her family. And of course, Ellen wants to keep cooking yummy food and making beautiful art. Ellen’s future is bright with lots of love and happy days ahead.


  • Ellen loves to play fun games with her family. She enjoys board games and puzzles that make her think and laugh.

  • She likes to read stories. Ellen reads all kinds of books, especially ones that teach her new things or take her on adventures.

  • Ellen enjoys cooking with her husband and kids. They make yummy meals and try new recipes. It’s like a fun kitchen party!

  • She loves being outside. Ellen goes for walks, plays in the park, and enjoys nature. It’s her happy place.

  • Ellen is creative. She makes beautiful art with colors and crafts. It’s fun to see what she creates. These hobbies make Ellen happy and bring her family closer.

Interesting Facts About Ellen Heidingsfelder

  • Ellen is married to Cooper Manning, who has famous brothers who play football.

  • They have a son named Arch, who is really good at playing quarterback in high school.

  • Ellen works as a lawyer, which means she helps people with the law.

  • She and Cooper got married in 1999, a long time ago!

  • Ellen is not just tall (5 feet 7 inches), but she also helps take care of her family.

  • She lives in New Orleans, a big city with lots of music and fun.

  • Ellen’s family is known for being really good at sports, especially football.


What does Ellen do?

Ellen is a lawyer. This means she helps people understand and follow the law.

Who is Ellen married to?

Ellen is married to Cooper Manning. They have been married since 1999.

Do Ellen and Cooper have kids?

Yes, they have two children. One of their sons is named Arch, and he is really good at football.

How tall is Ellen?

Ellen is 5 feet 7 inches tall. That’s like standing next to a big refrigerator!

Where does Ellen live?

Ellen lives in New Orleans, Louisiana. It’s a city known for fun music and yummy food.

What are Ellen’s hobbies?

Ellen loves playing games. She also loves reading books and cooking with her family. She loves playing outside and making art and crafts.

Which Manning brother is the richest?
Peyton Manning, the middle child, is the richest Manning brother with an estimated net worth of $250 million. His illustrious NFL career, marked by numerous accolades and records, has been a primary source of his wealth.
Who is Ellen Manning?
Journalist, writer, PR, food-lover, dog mum, bodybuilder.


In the end, Ellen Heidingsfelder is a super cool lady! She’s a mom, a wife, and a lawyer, which means she’s really smart and loves her family a lot. Cooper Manning is married to Ellen, and they have four kids and live in the big city of New Orleans.

She stands at an impressive height and has diverse hobbies. Ellen’s family is famous for football. But, she’s amazing too. She helps people with her smart lawyer skills. She shows us that being kind, smart, and loving your family is very important. Isn’t that awesome?

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