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Jide Olatunji Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Jide Olatunji

Jide Olatunji, also known as Jide Olatunji Sr., is a famous Nigerian internet personality best known for his presence on YouTube. He was born on August 28, 1966, in Ibadan, Nigeria, and is currently 57 years old. He stands tall at 6 feet and weighs 78kg.

Jide is famous for his content on YouTube and being the father of two well-known YouTubers, Olajide Olatunji (KSI) and Deji Olatunji. His net worth is estimated to be around $5 million. Despite his success and fame, Jide remains a humble and down-to-earth individual. He continues to inspire many with his hard work and dedication to his craft.

Who is Jide Olatunji?

Jide Olatunji is a super cool dad from Nigeria. Imagine being famous not just because you’re great on YouTube but also because your sons are stars on the internet! Jide’s sons, KSI and Deji, make many people laugh and smile with their videos. It’s like having superheroes in the family!

Jide shows us that you can be a star by being yourself and sharing joy with others. He also teaches us that being a good dad is one of the most extraordinary things in the world. He makes videos, has fun with his sons, and shares his love with everyone. 


Full name
Jide Olatunji
Date of birth
August 28, 1966
57 years old
Place of birth
Ibadan, Nigeria

The Early Years and Education

Jide Olatunji grew up in a big, busy city called Ibadan in Nigeria. Imagine lots of cars, people, and the warm sun every day! When he was a little boy, he went to school in his hometown just like you. Jide liked learning new things, playing with his friends, and maybe even playing soccer during break time.

Schools in Nigeria are where kids learn to read, write, and other cool stuff. Jide worked hard in school because he knew learning was super important. Just imagine, he realized something new every day that helped him become the amazing person he is today!

Parents and Siblings

Jide Olatunji grew up in a big family, just like some of you might have! His mom and dad greatly loved him and taught him to be kind and work hard. Just imagine Jide playing and learning from his parents as a little boy. They were his first teachers and biggest cheerleaders.

Also, Jide might have brothers or sisters, people he could play with, share secrets with, and sometimes argue, but always make up because that’s what siblings do! Having siblings means you have friends right at home. Is it cool to think about Jide as a kid, running around with his brothers or sisters, having fun, and learning about life together? They were a team, helping each other and growing up.

Wife and Girlfriend

Jide Olatunji has a special someone who has been by his side for many years; her name is Yinka. She’s his wife and the mom of KSI and Deji, making their family full of love and fun. Together, they have created a home where laughter never ends and every day is an adventure.

Jide Olatunji

Yinka and Jide show us the magic of teamwork and how having a life partner can make the journey even more exciting. They remind us that there’s a story of love and friendship behind every great family.


Jide Olatunji has two sons who are stars on the internet. One is KSI, who makes a lot of people laugh with his funny videos. The other is Deji, who loves playing video games and sharing them with the world. Both of them are very famous on YouTube, which is a place where you can watch all sorts of videos.

Imagine having a dad who is also renowned online! Jide’s sons have lots of fans because they are good at making entertaining videos. They’re like a super team of fun, bringing smiles to faces all around the globe.

Jide Olatunji Physical Stature – Height and Weight

Jide Olatunji is like a superhero, according to his height and weight. He stands super tall, like a tree, at 6 feet! Imagine looking up to see someone that tall – you might have to tilt your head way back! And he weighs about 78kg.

That’s like if you stacked a bunch of your favorite toys and they weighed as much as a big, friendly dog. Jide’s strength and health are fantastic because he can always play and have fun with his family and friends!

Jide Olatunji Before Fame

Before Jide Olatunji became famous online, he was just like anyone else. He grew up in a big city in Nigeria, attending school and learning new things daily. Imagine being a kid, running around, playing, and not yet knowing that one day, you’ll be known by people worldwide!

Jide’s story shows us that everyone starts somewhere and you can achieve amazing things with hard work and love. Like Jide, you can dream big and maybe one day, you’ll be famous for doing something you love too!

Jide Olatunji Career

Jide Olatunji became a star on the internet by sharing his life and fun moments online. His videos are known for being super cool and making people smile. Imagine turning on a camera and making the whole world happy just by being you! That’s what Jide does.

He also supports his sons, KSI and Deji, in their internet adventures, making their family a team of stars. Even though we didn’t talk about every job Jide has had, he loves making videos and being a great dad. That’s an exceptional kind of career!

The Net Worth of Jide Olatunji

Imagine you have a giant treasure chest filled with golden coins. That’s like what net worth means – it’s like counting all the treasures someone has. Jide Olatunji has a massive treasure chest because his net worth is about $5 million. Wow, that’s a lot of golden coins!

He got this treasure by sharing fun videos online and being a super dad to KSI and Deji. Remember when we talked about how he makes people smile with his videos? Well, making people happy has helped him fill his treasure chest. Jide shows us that doing what you love can also bring lots of golden coins to your treasure chest!

Jide Olatunji Social Media

Guess what? Jide Olatunji is also pretty cool on social media! Social media is like a big online playground where people share pictures, stories, and videos. Jide uses it to show the fun things he does with his family and to share laughs with everyone.

Jide Olatunji

It’s like having a magic window to peek into Jide’s world and see all the cool stuff he’s up to. Even though we didn’t talk about which apps he loves the most, you can bet he’s sharing joy and making people smile, just like he does in real life. Imagine posting a funny video and getting many hearts and smiley faces from people worldwide. That’s what Jide does on social media!

Jide Olatunji Legacy and Impact

Jide Olatunji has done something extraordinary. He’s not just a fun dad who makes videos and laughs with his family. He’s also showing the world how important it is to be yourself and share happiness. By being a loving dad and sharing fun times online, he teaches us that making others smile is a superpower.

His kindness and joy have touched many hearts across the globe. When we watch Jide and his family, we learn that bringing happiness to others can make a big difference. Imagine spreading smiles as Jide does – that’s a beautiful way to help the world be happier.

Jide Olatunji Future Plains

Jide Olatunji has big dreams for the future! Imagine a world where everyone smiles and laughs, sharing happy times. That’s what Jide wants to make even more significant. He plans to keep making fun videos that bring joy to people worldwide. Just like planting a tiny seed in a garden and watching it grow into a beautiful flower, Jide wants to spread happiness far and wide.

He also looks forward to spending more and more time with his family and making beautiful memories together. Every day is a new adventure, and Jide is excited to see where the journey takes him and his family next. Who knows? He may learn new hobbies or find new ways to make people smile. The future is as bright as a sunny day, and Jide is ready to enjoy every moment.


  • Jide Olatunji loves to spend time with his family. He enjoys doing fun activities with his sons, KSI and Deji. They sometimes play video games together or go on exciting trips. 
  • Watching soccer is one of his favorite pastimes. He cheers for his favorite teams and enjoys the excitement of the games. 
  • Jide also has a passion for cooking. He likes trying new recipes and cooking delicious meals for his family and friends. 
  • Photography is another hobby of his. Jide enjoys capturing beautiful moments with his camera.
  • He takes pictures of his family, nature, and any interesting things he finds. 
  • Listening to music helps him relax. He enjoys a variety of music styles and sometimes even dances to his favorite tunes. 
  • Reading books is something he does in his quiet time. He likes learning new things and getting lost in exciting stories. 
  • Gardening is a peaceful hobby for Jide. He takes care of plants and enjoys watching them grow. It makes his home look beautiful, too.

Interesting Facts About Jide Olatunji 

  • Jide Olatunji was born on a sunny day in August 1966.
  • He calls Ibadan, Nigeria, his first home. 
  • Jide is super tall, standing at 6 feet! 
  • He weighs about 78kg, much like a big, fluffy dog. 
  • Guess what? Jide has two famous sons who make videos on YouTube. 
  • His birthday cake has 57 candles on it this year.
  • Jide has a big heart and loves to make others smile. 
  • He’s not just famous online; people also know him as a great dad. 
  • Jide’s favorite number might be 5 million because that’s his net worth! 
  • He’s traveled around the sun 57 times—that’s a lot of birthdays!


Do you have questions about Jide Olatunji? Lots of kids do! Here are some answers to help you learn more about him.

When is Jide Olatunji’s birthday?

He celebrates his birthday on August 28th every year.

How tall is he?

Jide Olatunji is very tall, like a basketball player! He’s 6 feet tall.

Does he have kids?

Yes, he has two sons who are famous on YouTube. Their names are KSI and Deji.

What are some things Jide likes to do?

He loves spending time with his family, watching soccer, cooking yummy food, taking photos, listening to music, reading books, and caring for his garden.

Where was Jide born?

He was born in Ibadan, Nigeria. It’s a big city with lots of people and things to see. Remember, Jide Olatunji is not just known because of the internet. He’s also known as a wonderful dad and someone who has a lot of hobbies. Isn’t that cool?


In our story about Jide Olatunji, we’ve learned many fun and exciting things. He’s not just a dad to two famous YouTubers, KSI and Deji, but he’s also got a lot of cool hobbies. Jide loves being with his family, cooking yummy meals, and gardening.

He’s tall, like a giant, and has lived for 57 beautiful years. Jide shows us that being famous online is neat, but all the love and fun times shared with family and friends are even more remarkable. So, next time you see a video from KSI or Deji, remember their dad, Jide, is pretty awesome too!

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